Bear Clan donates 28 turkeys to the Gary Effect

He’s no stranger to kindness! James Favel donated 28 turkeys today, on behalf of Winnipeg’s Bear Clan Patrol! We are inspired so much by all the greatness the Bear Clan has done for not only the North End, but the Winnipeg community. THANK YOU, BEAR CLAN!

Perfect Christmas dinners?! CHECK! So excited to give these away with our team and the Bear Clan.. which is coming up very soon! If you see us, say hi! We might just have a gift for you!


If you’re interested in joining us, please feel free to contact us through our Facebook page:



Gary Effect – Victoria, BC

Our cousin Jamie works very hard to celebrate the Gary Effect in Victoria, British Columbia!

So thankful to all the donors for this year’s Sandy Merriman Christmas gifts! The 25 ladies residing there will each get a bag with 10+ gifts of slippers, toiletries, cosmetics, socks, scarves, jewelry and much more…..along with 3 boxes of clothes, purses and jackets, and big platter of Christmas goodies.
The generosity of Victoria is so lovely.
Merry Christmas!